Shadowsocks on EC2
- 又上不了网了
- 我的
好慢 - 花钱买的服务,又叒又和谐了
Java Notes
Java Notes。虽然是个前端,但之前也接触过java,所以,就当复习做个笔记吧。该文档来自java-note/README.md。
Hello to WebAssembly
WebAssembly or wasm is a new portable, size- and load-time-efficient format suitable for compilation to the web.
- Efficient & fast
- Safe
- Open and debuggable
- Part of the open web platform
Spring Framework
- 下载安装STS(Sprint Tool Suite), 下载地址。
如果出现:Java was started but returned exit code=13 的提示,一般情况下,你是STS下错了,此处估计踩坑的人比较多。因为STS默认下载32位的,而一般情况下,大多数人安装的JDK是64位的。
- 下载安装STS(Sprint Tool Suite), 下载地址。
HTTP Notes
- HTTP 协议步骤,Anatomy of an HTTP Transaction(剖析HTTP传输协议)。主要有
- DNS查询
- 建立连接
- 发送请求
- 等待返回
- 加载数据
- HTTP 2.0
- HTTP协议
- methods
- headers
- status code
- TCP/IP 结构详解
- HTTP 协议步骤,Anatomy of an HTTP Transaction(剖析HTTP传输协议)。主要有
Learning how to learn (Week 2)
Notes about learning how to learn.
- 组块–要领
- 组块概论
- 什么是组块
- 怎样形成组块
- 能力错觉
- 看到全局
- 是什么激励了你
- 组块库的价值
- 过度学习、一直、定势与交叉
- 总结
- 组块–要领
Learning how to learn (Week 1)
Notes about learning how to learn.
- 集中与发散思维
- 利用集中和发散思维
- 什么是学习
- 拖延症、记录与睡眠
- 拖延症
- 实践使记忆永存
- 记忆概论
- 睡眠在学习中的重要性
- 集中与发散思维
怎么基于 Github 搭建自己的博客网站
。 很久之前,我和几个同学的讨论的时候,无意间聊到。我同学说: -
Node Stream
Some notes about nodejs stream after reading dive-into-node-stream written by barretlee.
- Readdable Streams
- Writable Streams
- Duplex Streams
- Transform Streams
关于AI的一些想法(Thoughts about AI)
Share some thoughts about AI.
Game notes
Game notes
- Canvas VS WebGL
- Math
- Math-Note-for-Game-Dev: 系统的,完备的,清晰的整理游戏开发中所使用的数学知识笔记。用于游戏开发者的数学手册。
- Frameworks
- pixi.js: Super fast HTML 5 2D rendering engine that uses webGL with canvas fallback.
- Hilo: A Cross-end HTML5 Game development solution developed by Alibaba Group
- phaser: Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
- Babylon.js: a complete JavaScript framework for building 3D games with HTML 5 and WebGL.
- Play game with AI
Github stars
Vue Code Review
- Mind map for Vue
- References
Weex2Vue Tools
- Weex2Vue Tools
- Webpack config file for weex2vue.
- Optimize official webpack config. Add virtual files for vue entries. (优化官方webpack配置,使用虚拟文件作为vue-entry。)
- FooterPlugin for debugging js code. (给JS源文件添加调试注释)
- px-loader for weex css. (给weex文件的无单位数字添加px)
- weex2vue: transform weex files to vue files. (批量转换weex文件为vue文件)
- Webpack config file for weex2vue.
- Weex2Vue Tools
Webpack Usage
- How to use webpack?
- Simple Example.
- Split CSS from bundle.
- Split common module from bundle.
- How to use
? - How to write a simple webpack-plugin?
- How to use webpack?
虽然我很讨厌whiteboards面试,但我还是决定整理一下。毕竟,作为几年前端的我,看到这些题目确实有点虚。。。一直在创业公司工作,知识体系的特点是大、散、浅,来一个问题,解决一个问题,然后没后续了 。相比大企业的小、专、精,还是需要努力努力的(如果想转大公司的话)。
Simple SVG
SVG for resume
Chrome Extension
Get last focused window.
Proxy List
Check Proxies’ Availability.
Something About Virtual Dom
Virtual Dom is great! But, actually, I do think it’s should be optimized by the browsers itself not some stuff like JS.