
Attr Notes Link
Element.tagName In XML (and XML-based languages such as XHTML), tagName preserves case. On HTML elements in DOM trees flagged as HTML documents, tagName returns the element name in the uppercase form. The value of tagName is the same as that of nodeName.
Node.nodeName The Node.nodeName read-only property returns the name of the current node as a string.
Node.nodeType The nodeType property can be used to distinguish different kind of nodes, such that elements, text and comments, from each other. The host read-only property of the ShadowRoot returns the DOM element to which the ShadowRoot is attatched.

Node Name

Interface nodeName value
Attr The value of
CDATASection “#cdata-section”
Comment “#comment”
Document “#document”
DocumentFragment “#document-fragment”
DocumentType The value of
Element The value of Element.tagName
Entity The entity name
EntityReference The name of entity reference
Notation The notation name
ProcessingInstruction The value of
Text “#text”

Node type constants

Constant Value Description Example
Node.ELEMENT_NODE 1 An Element node such as <p> or <div>. document.createElement('div').nodeType
Node.TEXT_NODE 3 The actual Text of Element or Attr. document.createTextNode('Hello').nodeType
Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE 7 A ProcessingInstruction of an XML document such as <?xml-stylesheet … ?> declaration.  
Node.COMMENT_NODE 8 A Comment node. document.createComment('your comment').nodeType
Node.DOCUMENT_NODE 9 A Document node. document.body.parentNode.parentNode.nodeType
Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE 10 A DocumentType node e.g. <!DOCTYPE html> for HTML5 documents. document.body.parentNode.parentNode.firstChild.nodeType
Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE 11 A DocumentFragment node. document.createDocumentFragment().nodeType