How to Switch Hosts Quickly!

Switch Hosts Hook

Use SwitchHosts’ Custom commands, we can hook it after hosts changed.

DNS Flush for Chrome

We always switch hosts for Chrome, but Chrome Extension like Flush DNS & close sockets need launch Chrome with args --enable-net-benchmarking which cause a little complex.

So I google it and find a interesting solution through AppleScript.


  1. Chrome -> View -> Developer -> Allow Javascript from Apple Events
  2. Edit a AplleScript like this:

--This script is to resolve the problem that Chrome can't use the correct hosts after modifying hosts file  because of  Chrome using socket pools.
--This script just simulates the click event on the button of "Flush socket pool"  on chrome://net-internals/#sockets page.
--created by Boreas320 on 2015-3-28
tell application "Google Chrome"
	tell front window

		--record current active tab and its index.
		set origTab to active tab
		set origTabIndex to active tab index

		set theTab to make new tab with properties {URL:"chrome://net-internals"}

        -- wait for loading
		set isLoadDone to not loading of theTab
		repeat until isLoadDone
			set isLoadDone to not loading of theTab
		end repeat

        -- DO clear actions
		execute theTab javascript "console.log('clear');document.getElementById('sockets-view-close-idle-button').click();document.getElementById('sockets-view-flush-button').click();document.getElementById('dns-view-clear-cache').click()"

		close theTab

		--reactive the previous tab
		set active tab index to origTabIndex

		--reload the previous tab
		reload origTab

	end tell
end tell
  1. Add yourscript.applescript to your SwitchHosts’ Custom Command